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36 Main Road, Hogsback, 5721
+27 82 836 7414

Driving Directions

From East London and King William’s Town (on the N2 and R63)
  • Follow the N2 from East London into King William’s Town (approximately 65km)
  • Follow the N2 from East London into King William’s Town (approximately 65km)
  • In King William’s Town, turn left into Cathcart Street to follow the N2.
  • Just outside King William’s Town (after crossing the Buffalo River bridge and the Buffalo Stop fuel station, turn right onto the R63, signposted Alice.
  • Travel West on the R63, towards Alice.
  • After approximately 60 km (4 km before Alice, after Fort Hare Farm but before the dairy farm) turn right onto the R345, signposted “Cathcart via Hogsback”.
  • Travel approximately 30 km to Hogsback.
  • Drive into the Hogsback Village and from the Petrol Station continue on the main road for approximately another 4km until you will see the Mon’s Garden sign on your right.
From Port Elizabeth via Grahamstown (on the N2) and Fort Beaufort (on the R63 and R67)
  • Follow the N1 until approximately 10km past Grahamstown and turn left onto the R67, signposted “Fort Beaufort”.
  • Follow the N1 until approximately 10km past Grahamstown and turn left onto the R67, signposted “Fort Beaufort”.
  • Follow the R67 through the Ecca Pass for approximately 80km.
  • Near Fort Beaufort, at the T-junction with the R63 turn right towards Fort Beaufort.
  • After approximately 1km, at the next T-junction, turn right into Fort Beaufort. (See the Warning below.)
  • Travel East on the R63, through Fort Beaufort and through Alice towards King William’s Town.
  • 4 km after Alice, turn left onto the R345, signposted “Cathcart via Hogsback”. Travel approximately 30 km to Hogsback.
  • Drive into the Hogsback Village and from the Petrol Station continue on the main road for approximately another 4km until you will see the Mon’s Garden sign on your right.